I help women cultivate clarity
and purpose in their lives

A 1:1 coaching program to create a life that’s authentically yours over 12 weeks.  

Many professional women discover that reaching career 
goals comes with the cost of exhaustion and burnout.

Are you struggling with:

  • Uncertainty around personal life and career goals?

  • Overwhelm from endless to-do lists at work and home?

  • Giving so much of yourself  that you don’t have time for self-care?

  • Resentment and disconnection from loved ones?

  • Knowing things can be better but don’t have a plan to get there?

  • Being laid off or leaving your job and not sure what’s next?

I believe every woman deserves to 
lead a life filled with purpose and joy.

Enhance Clarity

Find and pursue career ambitions that align with your ideal lifestyle.

Gain Control

Master your schedule and have energy for a more balanced daily life.

Live Fully

Enjoy a life that's authentically yours, filled with meaningful relationships and joy.

I get it, not knowing what’s next is frustrating.

You want to be a purposeful woman with a fulfilling life. In order to do that, you need to get clear on your desires. The problem is, you don’t know how to figure out what you want or create a plan to get there. It all just feels like too much. This can leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure about what’s next for your life and career.

I believe the answers are inside you, and together, we can uncover them. With over 25 years of experience combining clinical knowledge with coaching skills, I’ve made it my mission to help women like you create more clarity and confidently navigate a life that’s true to you.

What really sets me apart is my own journey through burnout. I’ve lived the struggle of balancing work, family, and self-care, all while feeling utterly stuck. A personal health scare was my wake-up call, leading me to reevaluate and reshape my life from the ground up. Now, I use my personal insights and professional expertise to help you navigate your path to a fulfilling, authentic life. 

Here’s what makes my approach unique:

  • Experience and Expertise: With 25 years as a Master’s Level Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Life Coach, I've got a unique set of skills to help you navigate your challenges and achieve your goals.

  • Sustainable Solutions: I offer sustainable self-care strategies that go deeper than just booking a spa day. We'll build practices that keep you feeling good in the long run.

  • A Full-Life Approach: We're not just balancing work and personal life; we're looking at everything that's important to you. Our goal is to create a fulfilling life across the board.

Ready to take control and live a life that's truly yours? Let's get started.

Kelly Arthur, Certified Life Coach & Licensed Social Worker


Years Experience Combined
Social Work and Coaching

Here’s what to do next:

1. Book a Clarity Call
Begin with a Clarity Call via Zoom to understand where you stand and where you aim to be. We'll dive deep into your current challenges, set clear objectives and walk through the steps to success.

2. Join the Path-to-Purpose Program
Over 12 weeks, we'll collaborate 1:1 to design a customized plan with sustainable goals that match the life you want to lead. You'll gain insight into your true desires and receive the tools necessary for a life that's balanced, full of confidence, and rich in connections.

3. Embrace A Life You Love
Step into a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment. Imagine waking up each day excited about what lies ahead, knowing you're living in alignment with your deepest values and aspirations.

My Signature Path-to-Purpose Process

$2500 one-time payment or $833/month for 3 months

Your investment includes:

  • One-on-one coaching sessions, via Zoom, over a 3-month period.

  • 10 - 50 minutes sessions

  • Summary of progress following each 3-month period.

  • Discovery Guide worksheets that support each pillar of the program

  • Personalized tasks to work on between sessions.

  • Welcome package sent to your home.

We’ll start with a no-cost 50-minute Clarity Call through zoom.  

We’ll talk about where you are now, where you want to be and how I can help you get there. 

“Kelly's guidance was pivotal during my job search at over 50, 
boosting my confidence and leading to a fulfilling new role.” J.S

"Kelly's guidance was a game-changer during a tough phase. She led me to profound self-discovery and personal growth, transforming my outlook and interactions. Her support and warmth were key in encouraging significant change. Highly recommended for life-changing insights."


"Kelly's coaching drastically eased my stress and self-doubt, refreshing my view on deep-seated issues. She taught me to reframe challenges, reducing overwhelm and sparking progress. Her insights have lasting impact, guiding me to a more balanced approach to life's hurdles."


"In working with Kelly, I have been able to realize my value, build my confidence to speak up, and defined my values for me and my life beyond the workplace. Her approach demystified my concerns, leaving me empowered and ready to move forward with newfound optimism and control."


Don’t stay stuck in a cycle of overwhelm and find yourself in the exact same place a year from now.

Together, let’s design a customized plan and set sustainable goals, so you can step into a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.


2 simple steps to get your to-do list done 
without exhaustion or overwhelm!

  • Boost efficiency

  • Fight procrastination

  • Reduce stress